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Love Your Heart with Plants!

Did you know that by replacing 2 of your daily servings of animal-based protein with plant-based proteins can lower your cholesterol levels by 4%?

High cholesterol is associated with heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure (hypertension). Show your heart some love by trying out some of these plant-based proteins!

Yup! Check out these great recipes featuring plants that pack some serious protein power!

Tofu is a soy-based, complete protein, which means it contains all the essential amino acids, which are building blocks for protein in your body. Tofu offers 13 grams of protein for an 85 gram serving. Tofu comes in different forms and textures and can be used in anything from smoothies and sauces to a mock egg scramble dish for breakfast!

Tempeh is another soy-based plant protein. Tempeh is partially cooked soybeans that have been fermented, and offers 15 grams of protein per 85 gram serving! Tempeh also is rich in probiotics that aid in a healthy gut. Enjoy tempeh pan-fried and on a sandwich, chopped up in a salad, or swap out beef for tempeh in a spaghetti sauce.

Lentils, from the pulse family, are high in fiber and pack 10 grams of protein in a 1/2 cup serving. Lentils are available in a variety of forms - dried, canned, frozen, or even in quick microwavable bags at the grocery store. Enjoy lentils a side dish, over rice, or in a soup!

Looking to make a serious push for a plant-based diet? I am now offering affordable meal plans (only $19/mo!) that include delicious recipes and shopping lists. Opt for a 3-day/week plan or a 5-day/week plan with the option of making a recipe for 1 or enough to feed the whole family.

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